Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Dr. Goldberg is actively involved in research on individual differences, including studies of personality structure, personality measurement and assessment, and the usefulness of assessment instruments for predicting such important human outcomes as physical and mental health. Goldberg’s theory includes a systematic study of personality traits, development of personality, and personality assessment is known as personality psychology Personality has been studied for thousands of years. Hippocrates, for example, argued that there were four distinct temperaments. Freud's theory of psycho-sexual development was also a theory of personality and personality development.
In modern psychology, there are several schools of thought regarding personality. Perhaps the best known is Lewis Goldberg’s "Big Five" theory of personality which includes:
1.     Conscientiousness
2.     Openness to new experiences
3.     Agreeableness
4.     Neuroticism
5.     Extraversion

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