Friday, May 6, 2016

Repopulating the Depopulated Pages of Social Psychology

The article, Repopulating the Depopulated Pages of Social Psychology by Michael Billig discussed the ways in which social psychology is written and represented in academic journals. Billing argues that the journals are `depopulated' writings. He later discusses approached to “repopulate” them. Multiple issues arise within this article including the use of multiple verbal devices are outlined, such as `variable vagueness' in describing subjects (pg 311). These verbal devices are not discussed as working defects, but as resources for accomplishing depopulation. Although the positive political plan behind Michael Billig's task is to be praised, his investigation can be challenged on functional, down to business, mental, epistemological, additionally on political grounds. It is contended that privileging people and their involvement in records of exploration raises the twin phantoms of independence and humanism, and undermines to under privilege different levels of `reality' and clarification past the domain of awareness and individual personality. Regardless of the fact that depersonalization can mean a degrading practice, it can likewise be utilized to reference the constructive parts of aggregate character, comprehension and activity. It can be recognized that the experimental method may `depersonalize' and `dehumanize' by subjecting individuals to panoptic power, attempts to free subjects in practice or presentation may respectively undermine the method or deceive us about it (pg 316). It can be argued that trustworthiness about the purpose of power in experimental research may be a better policy than re-population in itself.

Billig, M. "Repopulating the Depopulated Pages of Social Psychology." Theory & Psychology 4.3 (1994): 307-35. Web. 

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